Hello Love!


Do you desire to regain your sense of passion and purpose? 

Maybe you realize it's time to prioritize yourself and your wellbeing?

Are you ready to focus on what lights you up and let go of others expectations of what they think is best for you? 

Do you desire more energy, focus, balance, and peace in life? 

If so, you're in the right place! 


Sacred Self Care Strategist + Empathic Intuitive

I'm here to support you in living a life of balance, purpose and freedom from others expectations of you.

Are you a purpose driven woman who loves being of service and have a desire to create a better life for your family and others? 

You know you are here for something bigger and you value personal growth, leading by example, and living with integrity of doing what you say you will. 

Maybe, you are feeling overwhelmed by daily life and tired of feeling guilty for wanting to give yourself permission to slow down and make your wellbeing, desires and personal goals a priority....before you completely burnout. 

More about me



Recharge Your Mind & Body Checklist

Begin the journey of unlocking your energy, mood and motivation through adding my favorite top 10 nootropics and nutrients. 


On The Blog

Grab a cup of tea or your favorite mind activating drink, turn on the vibes and let's get moving and taking some SOUL Steps...to Your PurposeFULL Life

Discovering Sacred Self-Care: A Guide to Implementing It Today

Apr 12, 2024

What is Spiritual Awakening

Feb 20, 2023

What is Human Design?

Nov 15, 2022



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I would love to chill together more...

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