Hello Love,

Are you tired of feeling confused, overwhelmed or anxious about living life on your own terms? 

Well, my genius is moving from unease to clarity so that you know what you're here for and have the confidence to live your purposeFULL life. 

I believe...

You are here for a PURPOSE...that you have a unique set of gifts and talents you are meant to cultivate and bring to the world.

You are here to experience FREEDOM...a life of balance, free of others expectations and restrictions and fulfillment while being of service. 

You are here to create and leave a LEGACY...for you, your family and the world.

You owe it to yourself to EXPLORE...your deepest quest of meaning and impact that you are here for. 

That we are more alike than we realize...

I'm honored you're here sharing this journey with me...

I bet your curious how this all came about?! 

My Journey Began...

About 9 years ago, a visit to the Garden of One Thousand Buddha's changed everything! 

I was a successful and award winning Director of Public Health when I started to feel dissatisfied in my life and career. 
I had reached the top of my professional game. I felt lost, confused and stuck while also sensing there was something more for me to be offering the world. 

Why the dissatisfaction? 

1. I wasn't being paid my worth and the structure did not allow for me to grow any further in my position. 
2. While working for a governmental agency, I wasn't allowed to use my creativity while addressing the health of the residents.
3. I had successfully accomplished implementing a highly needed home visiting program for pregnant women in the county. I felt as my purpose had been filled within this position. 

The Transformation

I was determined to make a difference in the world but I was struggling with confusion of my next steps.

The Garden, Spirit and Me.

For some time now, I had been seeking for the signs on what was next for me in life and my career. While away for work, I was guided by a colleague to visit the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas outside of Arlee, MT. 

I have always been spiritual however, on this late summer evening I allowed myself to open up to a whole new level of spirituality as I knew I needed a change even though the path was unclear. 

I walked around the garden as the dusk sky displayed its glorious hues of oranges, reds and pinks on the Montana landscape. 

I silently asked spirit to show me the signs and bring me my teachers...In just two days my first teacher entered my life and in four days I was guided to make a location change to Denver, CO. 

Since that day I have...

...Uprooted my whole life in Montana and moved to Colorado to align with my purpose...and then moved back to Montana

...I studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and gained in depth knowledge of the healing powers of energy and the universe

...I discovered "WHO I AM" as a soul and gained the confidence to live my own unique joyful life

...Launched Your PurposeFULL Life and started supporting others gain clarity of their soul's purpose while doing what they love

...Joined forces with other amazing women leaders and offer retreats for women to connect, energize and learn from each other. 

...Help improve the health of others with activating their DNA for healing while also creating more time and financial freedom for themselves and their families. 

I can hear you asking but what about NOW?

I want to be honest with you...

I wish I could tell you this has been an easy journey. Actually it has been the hardest thing I have ever done. To discover and become my authentic self and to live full out in my truth...However, it has been the most fulfilling thing I have ever done!

IF you are looking for an easy fix or a process that you don't have to work, then I suggest you ask yourself what are you really looking for? 

IF you desire to gain clarity of your unique gifts and purpose than you're in the right place.

IF you desire the confidence to know and speak your truth than you're in the right place.

IF you are willing to dig deep and identify and heal past influences that have kept you feeling stuck and lost. Then you're in the right place. 

What I will say about the journey of self discovery and healing is that you will walk away with the confidence in knowing "who you are" and how you are here to serve. 

If I can do it, so can YOU! 

Here's the deal, I figured it out one step at a time. I tripped and fumbled and what I learned along the way is just keep going. I had to learn to trust in myself, in the divine and in others. I also believe in the philosophy to be successful one must be teachable and willing to work with mentors. 

I studied meditation, mindset, Human Design, the Akashic Records and how using rituals supports spiritual growth. Everything I learn I put right back into my services, blogs, videos, events and anything else I'm working on. Because I believe in the concept of sharing wisdom with others. 

I'm sharing this with you because...

I believe in transparency and honesty in my business, services and life. 

This means if you're ready to take the journey of your life and experience soul fulfillment at the deepest level. I would be honored to support you and walk along side of you as we both discover more joy, purpose and freedom while doing what we love! 

"The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts." - Marianne Williamson.



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